Investor: Viet Hoa Electronics Co., Ltd
Country: Japanese
Location: Lot A1, Hoa Khanh I.P, Hoa Khanh Bac Ward, Lien Chieu Dist.,Da Nang, Vietnam
Contract value: 12.000.0000.000 VNĐ
Scale of project: 25.000m2
Scope of work: Sub - contractor
- Building factory, electrical system…
- Interior
Construction time: 2004
Viet Hoa Electronics Co., Ltd. belongs to Global Network of Murata TOKO, INC. (Japan)
Since its founding in 1955, TOKO has made significant contributions to the electronic industry. We are an electronic component specialist and have always been a market leader. Specifically, for our core business of coil-related products, we have established development, production, and sales processes to satisfy our global customers and have continued to make technological advancements.